#Champlain1615 FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
1. During what period of time does my activity need to take place to be eligible?
2. What will the various levels of partnership resemble?
3. How will the dollar amounts of partnerships be determined?
4. What is the difference between “registration” and “partnership application”?
5. Does the applicant have to supply volunteers to run the kiosk?
6. Can an applicant apply for a project that is still waiting for funding confirmation?
7. Can an applicant submit more than one partnership application?
1. During what period of time does my activity need to take place to be eligible?
Activities must take place between May 8th and December 31st, 2015. If your event is earlier than May 8th, please contact Ajà Besler (abesler@monassemblee.ca or 613-897-2522) to see if it is possible to accommodate your activity.
2. What will the various levels of partnership resemble?
*These are only examples, the actual partnership offers could vary.
$250 – No physical presence of the #Champlain1615 team on the even site. A modest visibility is offered for the project. Promotional and education materials about Samuel de Champlain will be mailed to you.
$1,000 – One #Champlain1615 facilitator will be present on the event site with a table. The activity has a low turnout. A small visibility is offered for the project.
$2,500 – Two to three #Champlain1615 facilitators will be present on the event site with a kiosk space (8’ x 8’ or equivalent). The activity has an average turnout. A medium amount of visibility is offered for the project. The applicant commits to doing bilingual media relations.
$2,500 – Four #Champlain1615 facilitators will be present on the event site with a pavillion space (20’ x 20’ or equivalent). The activity has an large turnout. A large amount of visibility is offered for the project. The applicant commits to doing bilingual media relations.
$10,000 – The level is reserved for events that will offer access to the largent number of participants. Four #Champlain1615 facilitators will be present on the event site with a pavillion space (20’ x 20’ or equivalent). A large amount of visibility is offered for the project. The applicant commits to doing bilingual media relations.
3. How will the dollar amounts of partnerships be determined?
Applications will be offered varying amounts between 250 $ and 10 000 $, depending on the answers submitted in the Proposed partnership with #Champlain 1615 section of the form, and according to selection criteria approved by the Provincial Community Steering Committee and following the decisions of an external selection committee.
The priority will be to offer partnerships to the highest number of applicants possible. Local and regional events will also be prioritized.
4. What is the difference between “registration” and “partnership application”?
Event registration :
All activities that would like to become partners of the #Champlain1615 project must be registered with Ontario 400.
The registration process is very simple and takes about 15 minutes to complete. The registration form is available online : https://ontario400.ca/en/
Advantages of registration:
- Inclusion of your event in our online calendar of events
- Use the official Ontario 400 logo
- General support from the Ontario 400 team.
Registration does not include financial assistance.
Partnership application :
Once your activity is registered, you can submit a partnership application for the #Champlain1615 project, in order to host a #Champlain1615 kiosk at your event..
Partnership applications take less than 10 minutes to submit. The application form is available online.https://ontario400.ca/en/
The Assemblée invites all organizations interested in hosting our travelling #Champlain1615 kiosk to submit an application before Wednesday April 8th 2015, at 12 p.m (noon).
Advantages of a #Champlain1615 partnership:
- Presence of our interactive kiosk at your event
- Distribution of promotionnal and educational materials to your event participants
- Support from our media relations expert do to bilingual media relations
- Financial support, varying from $250 to $10,000
Submitting a partnership application does not guarantee financial support.
5. Does the applicant have to supply volunteers to run the kiosk?
No. The kiosk will be manned entirely by the #Champlain1615 team.
6. Can an applicant apply for a project that is still waiting for funding confirmation?
Yes, however the project must be confirmed at the time of signing the partnership agreement.
7. Can an applicant submit more than one partnership application?
Yes, an applicant can submit partnerships applications for different projects, as long as the projects target different audiences.